Eve’s Apple II

Joshua Imoikor
12 min readMar 28, 2023


Photo by Stefan Johnson on Unsplash

THE JOURNEY IN SEARCH of the Apple Store was not an easy one for Abimbola, she was already tired from sitting so long in a cramped vehicle through the inter-city travel. After asking a person or two some questions at the market where she was dropped, she realized she’s been on a wild goose chase all along. The ‘Apple Store’ was in her device all these while, all she needed was the internet to access it, but now she has traveled through to another city at the advice of unscrupulous neighbours and strangers just to find it. “How can people be so cruel?!” she said aloud to herself; “how can you be so stupid?” A voice inside her head responded.

It was already getting late so she went to the car park and boarded the next available vehicle back home. While she sat in the bus, she was full of indignation not only for traveling this long distance in search of what she could have done at the comfort of her room but disgracing herself by asking people on the street such ridiculous questions. She felt ashamed at her folly. By the time she got home, she was worn out and famished, she took a snack from the fridge and went to bed. She braced herself; she was never going to speak to that neighbour again, neither would she ever make such mistakes in the future.

Just eighteen months into the job and Tunde has won the employee of the month several times. His dedication and tenacity to work was clear to everyone in the company, it was as though the job was his life and he figuratively carried it on his shoulders. His probation period did not exceed two months and not once has he failed to deliver. He is literally the man for the job. He found favour with his boss because he was making his job easier and disfavour with his senior colleagues because they were afraid that in due time he would take over their jobs. Tunde was just concerned with his work never giving a hoot to what anyone thinks or whatever is being said in whispers. He got better at his job and became the go-to person in his department. His relationship with his boss, Ariyo blossomed too, especially as both of them were of the same age grade and single. Over time, Ariyo would take Tunde out for lunch and drinks and they would chat like old friends, they talked about a variety of things and got to see each other’s perspectives. In spite of all these, Tunde maintained a professional relationship and never overstepped boundaries. One thing he had learnt from the street was to maintain your own lane regardless of the size of smile on the other person’s face.

Work was going pretty well and Tunde was also moving on. Ifeoma left him without officially calling off the relationship. The last time he saw her, she had come to pack her remaining belongings in his house. She looked as though she was doing fine wherever she was and is just okay without him. Before she left that day they had a little chat, he updated her about the changes in her life and she congratulated him on his new job. He was going to miss this lady who has been with him all these while, but he wasn’t going to stoop so low so as to beg for her love. During the tough times of their relationship, she complained about it, and when Tunde started to find success, she distanced herself without a word. She only came in once in a while and eventually stopped coming until now and this was just to pack out her remaining belongings left in his house.

Before she left that day, he asked her “so Ify, what is now the status of our relationship?”

She turned, her eyebrows raised, she looked at him and said “relationship? There’s no relationship, I thought we had a relationship but we were just two adults living together and having sex with the lady having waited so long for the guy to make any real commitment towards it.”

“You mean all we had was nothing?” He asked bemused. “Actually, I found a name for it” said her. “It was a situationship” she added, disdainfully. “What?!” Said he, his mouth agape with incredulity. “It is what it is” said her, “and congratulations on your new job, you deserve it” she added. With these words she moved out of his house —and his life, so he had thought.

Abimbola discarded all her lovers and was now taking her life seriously. She went back to relearn a skill she had abandoned, and within a short period of time she was making waves. Within a year she opened her own shop and was doing pretty well. She has it in her all along, she has only been playing and fooling around with shitheads she called friends and irresponsible men. But not all her friends were shitheads though, it was as though the wind of change touched some of them, their ‘shitheads’ had something good in it all along and they were able to bring it to the table. Abimbola now worked with these sensible ones. Now these girls were making their own money without feeling entitled to any man’s. Abimbola still felt she had wasted considerable time of her life frolicking with men and would have used that time to build and establish her business. But her luck never left her and she’s doing pretty well now, all that had happened in the past was a part of her life and there were lessons learnt from it. But in the real sense, she had enjoyed that time and not wasted it. Any time one spent enjoying isn’t a wasted time. Now having a direction and purpose, Abimbola was ready to make the best out of her life, she wasn’t really in the game for a relationship but she was open to anything real that may come her way. Something eventually came, but from her past.

Abimbola was committed to working very hard to improve herself in every sphere. She took classes online and improved in her use of gadgets and the internet. She discovered that there was a lot one can exploit with this handheld device aside from taking Snapchat pictures and making TikTok videos. She was also able to advertise her brand online and her business blossomed. She began to pick up other girls from the trenches and improved their lives. But not everyone wanted a change in their lives, especially, a sudden one. She did tried her best though and left those who were unwilling to make positive changes in their lives.

The past came knocking, one of her former lovers whom she actually had feelings for was trying to get back into her life. They met again in the supermarket where she had gone for groceries. He immediately recognized her, her natural endowment are pretty had to miss. “Hello, goddess of the land and seas” said a deep voice behind her. Many men in the past have called her all sort of nicknames and weird monikers but this particular one was unique. Turning her head, her eyes met his, a smile flashed across his face, that smile which she had described as; beautiful — too beautiful for a man to have. Her heart melted, her feet shuddered, his hands reached out to hers to help her maintain her balance. “Hello… Henry” she stuttered. She had always prided herself as a queen ruling over men with beauty, but this was the only guy that makes her feels this way, his presence turns her into a little princess, his touch peters her courage out, turning her to a baby. This guy was rocking the little boat on the sea of her world, causing a tempest, and the thing she needed most at this stage in her life is calm and stability. Still holding unto her hands and looking into her eyes he said “it’s been a while”, “yeah, a long while” she responded immediately still trying to gain composure. Whatever they had ended a long time ago, it wasn’t a relationship to her but she felt something for this guy, something different. She ended the relationship cum contract years ago, she wanted to maintain her power over men and the presence of this guy in particular always made her subdued. Now, years later they are together again; not in an enclosure unclad, with her being at his mercy, but in public, his hand holding hers to provide support. A lot was running through her mind,”I’ve really missed you” he said, interrupting her train of thoughts, “the moments we had was the realest for me” he added. “How have life been with you?” He asked, and continued without allowing her to respond, “I see you are doing well”. “Yeah, I am fine” she responded, this time avoiding his gaze, gently removing her hands from his grip, she added “I’m sorry, I have some stuffs to pick up and I’m running late” and with this she hurriedly left him, checked out the few things she had picked up at the counter and went out through the exit.

Tunde has become so immersed in his work that anything about love or relationship was not in his to do list. He was no longer looking for love anymore, he didn’t have time for that kinda stress. But sometimes love finds you, even in the midst of your work. One day, in the course of their discussion at lunch break, his boss, Ariyo, beaming with smile said to him, “Tunde, èmi lo kán o” and added for emphasis “it is my turn, my brother”. “Your turn for what?” Tunde asked, searching his eyes for clues. “It is my turn to settle down now, would I work and make money till I die without having anyone to enjoy it with me?” Ariyo answered and with a question. “I’ve found a beautiful lady that just suits me, she ticks most of the boxes on my checklist, who’s looking for a perfect angel anyways!” He added, while Tunde with a nod said “I see.” And added, stretching out his hands for a handshake “I’m happy for you bro”, “you have to be o, she loves me, and I love her very much, what more would a man ask for?!” Ariyo said while still holding Tunde’s hands in a handshake with his firm grip. “Love is a beautiful thing” Tunde said, his thoughts trailing, “it sure is, I’d introduce her to you soon, we are already making plans for our wedding” Ariyo intoned and added “I want you to do me a favour, I know it may sound a bit weird, but would you be among my groomsmen?” Tunde looked at his boss in the eye, the look on his face was like that of a child trying to gain the favour of an adult sharing sweets.”ermm…”before Tunde would say what he wanted to, Ariyo chipped in, “I haven’t really made so much friends over the years, very few people have I connected with and you happen to be one of them.” And added with a chuckle “This is a request from a friend, it isn’t part of your job description “. Tunde giggled and said “I’m going to do that bro, anything for you, my man”. “Thank you, my man. I know you’re like Adam now, busy with work, but when you find your Eve we would come through for you too, just be careful with the apples” Ariyo said and he and Tunde burst out laughing. Tunde and Ariyo have been hanging out for lunch breaks for a long while now and they’ve always had great discussions and arguments, and this was the most personal thing they had discussed so far. No boundaries were crossed, this was one of those things guys would eventually talk about, Tunde thought.

It was said that the past always have a way of catching up with someone. A little something from Tunde’s past came knocking one weekend during a morning walk. A pretty lady jogging past him suddenly stopped, looked at him in the face, pointing with an accusing finger and said “it was you”, “what?” Tunde asked, “it was you. This world is a small world” she repeated. “Excuse me ma’am, I think you’re mistaken me for someone else” Tunde said, not sure of what the person must have done that would warrant the ‘it was you’ accusing finger. But she seemed so sure of what she was saying, “hmmm, men, you’ve forgotten so easily? Apple Store, years ago?” The last statement pricked his memory, of course, how would he forget that lady that came up to him years ago in search of Apple Store, how can one forget such tomfoolery?! “Don’t just pretend” her words snapped him off his thoughts. Now they were standing at the sidewalk. “I remember you, at the bus top where you asked me about Apple Store. I’m so sorry I sent you on a fool’s errand that day, I wasn’t so much in a good mood and that was the most ridiculous question anyone had asked me at that time. No offence though, I’m so sorry for what I did, that wasn’t the right thing.” Tunde said, apologetically. “It is fine, the lessons were learnt, I’ve forgiven you” she said. Tunde never dreamt of this day, he never imagined he would see this lady again, let alone apologise for what he did. Thinking about it now, he regretted his actions. “I’m so sorry, it won’t happen again” he said, “are you kidding me? it cannot happen again! That’s in the past now.” she said. “And I want to thank you, I know what you did then was just some prank to you and you enjoyed every bit of it, man, you’re good, you literally found a vehicle and put me in it. But that particular incident did teach me a lesson and it has impacted my life in a positive way. If you hadn’t shoved me into a car to another city, I might not have realised some aspects of my life as I have now. That was a blessing in disguise. “ she added with a smile. Tunde was relieved, at least she too has been able to grow out of it. And she was no longer sounding like a dunderhead, he paused and took a closer look, bless me Lord, this lady is beautiful! He thought. “It won’t happen again, let me make it up to you. How about I buy you a drink.” Said he, “it’s fine, you don’t have to. I ain’t holding any grudges against you. That’s in the past now”, she replied. “Okay, my name is Tunde” said he, “I’m Abimbola” said her. “Abimbola, let me take you out to dinner, this is to the future.” Tunde said with a smile that seemed to have an effect on her. She was smiling back, she wanted to say something but Tunde hushed her, “no drinks, I promise”. They both laughed.

Abimbola got home after her date with Tunde that night. That was the most exciting thing that had happened to her in recent times, the guy wasn’t just handsome, he was good with his words, yet rough and had a dark sense of humour. She found him so endearing. This was the person who is really rocking her world. It’s been only a first date and it seems like they have known each other for ages. The vibe, that chemistry between them two, she’d never had it with anyone. They had more dates. They talked more, they laughed more, they grew closer together. A part of her she never knew existed was opened, this guy literally made her a happy person. She was doing better in her job whilst swimming gleefully in the ocean of love. She found balance, even when she was always thinking about him. As she gave more thought to Tunde, she realised that what she had with Henry was really a nightmare, his own domineering was injurious to her, his was toxic masculinity. She left him that day in the supermarket because she couldn’t control herself wherever he is and that wasn’t the kind of person she wants to be. But Tunde had a better influence and grip on her, he took her off her feet yet she’s maintained her balance and knows her place. She realised that she was somehow drawn to Henry’s toxicity, but not anymore. She now has a cure. The man who had sent her on a fool’s errand years ago was the cure she needed all these years. She has fallen in love, unscathed.

Tunde was glad he met Abimbola, she has become a ray of light in the dark part of his life. One may never forget their first love until they find another that is stronger. He was taking things lightly with her and he was sure of his feelings, this is pure energy. This is love.

Ariyo arrived late at launch, this time he didn’t come alone. “Sorry for taking so much time, I had to go pick up my fiancée. “ Ariyo said while setting up a seat for his lady to sit.

“Ifeoma, meet my friend, Tunde. Tunde, meet my fiancée, Ifeoma”.

Their eyes met, memories flashed through their minds in nanoseconds. Stretching out his hands, Tunde gave her a handshake.

“Nice to meet you, Ifeoma.” Said he.



Joshua Imoikor

Innately curious. Environmental enthusiast. Lover of nature, science and history.