Gentlemen and Ladies

Joshua Imoikor
5 min readJul 12, 2024


Does a Date have to be in a Restaurant?

Photo by SJ 📸 on Unsplash

Going out on a date can be fun and exciting. The thousand questions in your mind you’d like to pour on your date out of curiosity and the expectation of how the date is going to turn out eventually, causes a rush of adrenaline. And the feeling gives goosebumps.

Photo by Tiago Felipe Ferreira on Unsplash

You met someone who seems interested in you and as you two continue to converse frequently, you observed that you are beginning to like that person too and when he eventually asks you out on a date, your body cannot contain the butterflies in your stomach.

Now you want to have a one-on-one with this person in a different setting; way different from the chats you two have been having. Now you want to test the waters on the possibility of where this talking stage would lead to. This is natural and it is a beautiful thing too. Every human should experience this. There is so much love in the world to go round.

Most often than not, when guys asks a girl out, they take her to a fancy restaurant to have lunch or dinner. It is usually in the course of these dates that they ask her to be their girlfriend.

In some cases, they may have to go on a second and even a third date before asking the question.

Sometimes, after a first date, both parties get to see that a relationship is not possible and this often puts an end to the talking stage as they go their separate ways.

That notwithstanding, does a date have to be in a restaurant, fancy or not?

Restaurant are great spots. Research has shown that ladies are more responsive romantically after they have had a meal.

So there is a relationship between having a good meal in a restaurant and the chances of her agreeing to be your girlfriend. But restaurants or any eateries aren’t the only places that does this magic.

Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash

A restaurant may have a psychological effect on a lady. The fancy ambience of the environment, the manner in which the food was served and the whole setting makes her feel special.

Much more, the taste of the food — which in most cases are meals she hasn’t eaten before — is the icing on the cake. If there is a cake on the menu as a dessert this would do a hat trick. How she feels in a restaurant increases her chance of saying yes to your proposal.

But what you get is that you don’t really get to know her — you only get to see an aspect of her due to the ambience of a restaurant.

There are other places that you two can go out to on a first date. The cinema is certainly not one of them.

A cool relaxation spot is a great idea. You two can sit, listening to the distant chatter of other lovers while you talk about each other and get to know each other better.

A garden is another great place; you two can sit or walk in the garden, getting yourselves soused in the beauty of nature.

The clean fresh air, the beautiful colours of the plants, the aura of a garden arouses a beautiful feeling.

Even if you two are not the plant type, the feeling that nature gives cannot be overemphasized. Great a conversation can be held here and you get to know her better and she, you.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

A park is also another great place for a date. Here you two can bring out the kids in you, engaging yourselves in games, taking a ride on a rollercoaster and doing some dangerous stuffs that causes an adrenaline rush.

Photo by Chris de Tempe on Unsplash

I can assure you, you two may forget what meal you had in a restaurant, but you cannot forget the feeling that this adventures would bring.

There are many other places that you two can have fun and get to know each other and the beautiful thing is that all the places mentioned above also comes with the option of having a meal so it is a win-win situation.

Going out on a date however can mean different things for different people.

Some people may just prefer a long walk in the evening, while others may consider sitting in the middle of a less busy road or train track as cool. Some may fancy hanging out in a museum or an art gallery. Others may just want to have a nice time in an eatery or a restaurant. Whatever option works for you, take it.

There is no one-cap-fits-all when it comes to dating.

A nice date in a restaurant may be cool but it isn’t the standard.

You may have had long beautiful walks, holding hands; a refreshing time in a garden and an adrenaline-rushing time in a park.

Enjoy these moments, do not feel you two haven’t gone out on a date because he hasn’t taken you to an Italian restaurant to eat spaghetti bolognese or lasagna, or a Chinese restaurant to eat chow mein or sushi.

A date doesn’t have to be in a restaurant. and dates should be a constant thing in every relationships.

It shouldn’t stop after both parties have agreed to be a thing. Keeping the spark alive and continuing to explore new experiences together can keep the relationship fresh and exciting.

Enjoy the moments. Express yourself. Be happy. Be in love and be true to that love.



Joshua Imoikor

Innately curious. Environmental enthusiast. Lover of nature, science and history.